The life of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo the Great (1820-92) by Alak Zenkar Rinpoche. Jamyang Khyentse was born in the region of Yaru Khyungchen Drak in Dilgo in Derge, East Tibet, on the fifth day of the sixth Tibetan month of the Iron Dragon year during the fourteenth sexagenary cycle. His father was Rinchen Namgyal, a secretary in Derge belonging to the Ny? clan, and a descendant of Drikung Changchub Lingpa. His mother S?nam Tso was a daughter of Gerab Nyerchen G?ntse of the family. He studied with masters from every authentic Buddhist tradition of practice with an unbroken lineage which existed at that time in the Land of Snows, but especially the so-called ?Eight Chariots?: