The Earliest Recorded Discourses of the Buddha


The Earliest Recorded Discourses of the Buddha are based on translations done by Anandajoti Bhikku, who published this work in 2010. The earliest recorded discourses of the Buddha centers around the period not long after the Awakening. We have three records of this period, they are the Lalitavistara, which originally seems to have belonged to the Sarvastivsda sect, the Mahakhandaka, which is part of the Theravada Vinayapitaka, and the Mahavastu, which apparently formed the substance of the Vinaya of the Lokottaravada sect.
Embedded into these narratives there are certain teachings, which now form the earliest recorded discourses of the Buddha, and it is those that are presented here.

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Anandajoti Bhikku

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