Like A River



Todd?s life was like a river that flows gently to make all who came to know him happy. He always cared about others without expecting anything in return. He shared his favorite toys, lunch money and allowances with friends in need, not to mention the many sweet smiles to encourage people to be happy. He taught us to be generous, kind, caring and forgiving. As one of his buddies, Stephen, put it, ?Todd was one of a kind, like finding a needle in the haystack. I will miss him.? Adopting Todd is the best decision that we made in our lives, and we continue to be thankful to have had him as our child.

We put together this book with kind assistance from family and friends for readers who are interested in life?s lessons through stories and teachings related to this special boy?s life. We also wish to dedicate it to all who made Todd a good and happy boy. We thank the Abhayagiri community and especially the kind bhikkhus residing near and far in America, Australia, Canada, England, Italy, Switzerland and Thailand who have guided Todd and us with their boundless hearts over the years until now[?]?

Excerpt From: Ajahn Pasanno. ?Like a River ? The life of a boy named Todd.?

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Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Pasanno, Tan Ahimsako, Tony Anthony

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